Friday, December 28, 2012

DIY Origami Bookmarks

     I've always wondered how to do these bookmarks...
  • Origami/Scrapbooking Paper
  • Scissors (If you need to cut scrapbooking paper

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


     During break I've gotten pretty bored, the only friend I really have visited since the big move is away doing fun stuff, leading me to be pulled to the internet. Here's a list of stuff to do for those with a similar dilemma.
  • Write letters to your future self
  • Explore craft blogs (hint, hint)
  • Explore those places in town you've never stepped foot in
  • Think of your own DIY
  • Make a board game, or an opoly, Staples lets you print 3x5 in poster if you need to print the board.
  • Hang out with friends (sigh)
  • Practice standing one one leg or pushups or.......
  • Babysit
  • Make large quantities of stuff to sell on etsy
  • Check out fiverr
  • Skate around the block
  • Learn how to skate
  • Work on your signature
  • Work on drawing
  • Go to the music store and play around with instruments
  • Go to the Y, fun tends to vary on how popular it is in your area
  • Clean half of your room then procrastinate
  • Check out Hyperbole and a Half
  • Check out The Blood of a Rose
  • Realize your too bored to really feel like doing most of this
  • Comment other ideas of stuff to do

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

DIY Cute Button Magnets

     Merry Christmas! I got more supplies, so as a present to you here's a quick DIY:)
  • Buttons, stickers, or scrapbooking adhesives
  • Magnets (I used the dots with adhesive sides from Michaels)
  • Hot glue gun (if magnets aren't already sticky)
  1. Peel paper from adhesive magnet/put a dab of hot glue on magnet
  2. Stick button to magnet
  3. Repeat until desired amount of magnets is reached
     Although the origin of this progect was to make button magnets, I think using scrapbooking adhesives works a bit better.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DIY: Earbud Holder

     I'm SOO tired of getting my earbuds tangled and ruined from inadequate care. While looking through some scrapbooking supplies, a light bulb radiantly lit up my bleak state of mind with inspiration. I don't recommend this as a present so much as I do a stocking stuffer (better with earbuds)

  • Ribbon Wheel
  • Scrapbooking Paper or wrapping paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Glue
  1. Remove ribbon from cardboard wheel
  2. Trace wheel's size and shape onto paper
  3. Fold paper in half
  4. Cut out the circle on both layers of the paper
  5. Glue the circles to wheel

DIY: Homemade Coconut Sugar Scrub

     My little sister has been interested in bath and beauty products for awhile now, so for her gift I decided to make her some sugar scrubs. The recipe calls for 4 parts sugar for every part of coconut oil. I used 8 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, adding mint leaves to one bottle just for the scent, about 1/4 of a tsp.

     Also, I added one drop of food coloring to each bottle, just because I think my sister would like pink and blue scrub better than it's natural snowy white.

     Once again, ridiculously short DIY, it's like I'm attracted to them by some magnetic pull:/

Sunday, November 18, 2012

DIY: Literacy Hair Bow

     I decide to give one of my friends a gift I know she will enjoy-I think... Anyway, I saw a girl in school wearing a cute hair bow with words printed on them. I've heard that fabric can run through the printer, but our printer is broken; leaving me to meticulously handwrite (GASP) the first page or so of the Hunger Games onto this bow, and I love the result.

  • 8x12 inches of fabric
  • Ribbon (about 1/2-1 in. wide)
  • Fine-tipped Sharpie or printer
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hair clip
  1. Cut out a piece of fabric about 8x12"
  2.  Print or handwrite text onto the fabric
  3. Fold the fabric inward vertically and glue
  4. Fold inward horizontally and glue
  5. Cover ribbon in hot glue
  6. Pinch fabric together and wrap center with ribbon
  7. Glue hair clip to back.

BONUS: Doodle Shirt
     After making the mugstache last night, I had a hard time putting the sharpie down. I ended up getting a bit carried away, resulting in the background for the blog. While looking up other doodle pics for inspiration, I saw a shirt with some doodles on it. Sharpie in hand, I waked into my closet and snatched the first white top I found.
  • Piece of cardboard
  • Light colored top
  • Sharpie
  1. Stretch top over the piece of cardboard
  2. Doodle any chosen design on the front

DIY: Mugstache

     To break the ice as I start off this blog, I decided to do some DIY gifts before Christmas. The first of them being a gift for my younger brother, which revolves around what probably is the most notoriously funny, classy, and diverse fashion statement in history- the mustache.

     Now that I've written that- I HAVE to know, how and when did mustaches become so popular? I found out more than I expected researching, but to give you a start the first 'stache to be recorded was on Pazyryk, a Russian artifact that dates back to around 300 BC portraying a nomad on a horse with a long, twisted mustache.
     Now to the actual DIY:
  • Porcelain Dish
  • Sharpie 
  1. Preheat oven to bake at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Outline drawing or message with a pencil (optional)
  3. Use the sharpie to draw or write on the dish.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes.
That's it! Cheap too, I got that mug from the dollar store! Please tell me how it worked out for you in the comments section, I'd really appreciate your feedback:)