Sunday, November 18, 2012

DIY: Literacy Hair Bow

     I decide to give one of my friends a gift I know she will enjoy-I think... Anyway, I saw a girl in school wearing a cute hair bow with words printed on them. I've heard that fabric can run through the printer, but our printer is broken; leaving me to meticulously handwrite (GASP) the first page or so of the Hunger Games onto this bow, and I love the result.

  • 8x12 inches of fabric
  • Ribbon (about 1/2-1 in. wide)
  • Fine-tipped Sharpie or printer
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hair clip
  1. Cut out a piece of fabric about 8x12"
  2.  Print or handwrite text onto the fabric
  3. Fold the fabric inward vertically and glue
  4. Fold inward horizontally and glue
  5. Cover ribbon in hot glue
  6. Pinch fabric together and wrap center with ribbon
  7. Glue hair clip to back.

BONUS: Doodle Shirt
     After making the mugstache last night, I had a hard time putting the sharpie down. I ended up getting a bit carried away, resulting in the background for the blog. While looking up other doodle pics for inspiration, I saw a shirt with some doodles on it. Sharpie in hand, I waked into my closet and snatched the first white top I found.
  • Piece of cardboard
  • Light colored top
  • Sharpie
  1. Stretch top over the piece of cardboard
  2. Doodle any chosen design on the front

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